One of those happy times
With family
And others
The powdery snow
on the ground
Bright twinkly lights
on the tree
Joy and cheer in the air
It is different each year
One time you are staying up
so late that you see the sun rise
others you sleep in so late
that you can’t tell the difference
from when you went to sleep and when you woke up
You hear sleigh bells on the roof
you go running
Only to realize it was just a dream
It was a small glimmer of hope that you
finally caught the man in red
The time you thought
It is finally Christmas
I finally get to open my presents
You never know when you will wake up at one in the morning
ready to open you presents
Happy holidays!

Hannah French is a Senior this year. She is a three sport athlete and involved in tons of afterschool activities. She tends to write short little pieces...