Turning the page to 2022!
What are you reading?
The best holiday presents are the simplest ones. For example the gift of a book. We interviewed several people on the books they got as a present and their reading goals for 2022. We learned about the book genres our grade enjoys reading and their ambitious goals.
A group of researchers analyzed bookselling data and published an article in 2018 stating, “US readers prefer fiction.” They also compiled data that showed the most popular genre in the nation is romance. Our local poll discovered that the majority of this year’s seventh graders enjoy reading fiction, specifically fantasy books. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling is a much adored fantasy collection by many peers in our grade. We also questioned students where they like to access books and the most common answer was the Galway Public Library. The reason why? Galway Public Library hosts gatherings such as Teen Night. The gatherings get students excited to read, give them a reason to want to come back, and give them something to remember.
Looking back at 2021, our grade has read many interesting books. Eleanor Douglas’ favorite book from last year is BOB by Wendy Mass. Annastasia Watson’s favorite book from last year is Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia. Some titles students received during the holiday season were The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank, Cousins, and Lord of the Rings. Most of our classmates stated they are aiming to reach 30 total read books this year including the ones they were gifted for the holidays, a lofty goal. One student even set a personal goal of 300 books for this year!
Our grade consists of many frequent readers, therefore we predict that most of their goals will be achieved in 2022. In 2021, multiple great books were read and relished. Who knows what this year’s reading will bring?
Yucesoy, B., Wang, X., Huang, J. et al. “Success in books: a big data approach to bestsellers.” EPJ Data Sci. 7, 7 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-018-0135-y

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