2017–sweet or sour?

Life is sometimes said to give us lemons. Lately my life hasn’t been going on such a smooth road. I know–different metaphor! One thing I can say is I’m not sure 2017 IS MY YEAR.
The month of January 2017 was not rough, but it certainly wasn’t the best. Between my mom having surgery, midterms, tech finals, and as always friend drama, there has just been a lot of stress. Not only that–I lost my key to my dog sitting job! I don’t even know how I did so, but I am grateful to have a spare key.
Hopefully, I can make some lemonade with those ‘life lemons’. The second semester has started and I have a new homeroom, health with Mrs. Gerber, and I look forward to it! It is technically a new year!! And with a new year and semester…. I feel ready to test my chef skills and perhaps make some ‘Life lemonade’….
February has been a bit better. My mom is feeling well, but I found out my mom is going to chaperone at Boston… Yay!! She handed me an envelope and said, “I am going to Boston with you,” So that was quite the surprise. I also LOVE Mrs. Gerber and Dugan–he is so cute!!
Make some of your own life lemonade to get you through the sweet and sour times!
½ cup of a 12 ounce can of lemonade (we all need a starter at some point!)
1 ½ cup of positivity
8 cups of hope
Pour the ½ cup of a 12 oz. can of lemonade in a pitcher
Then, add in the positivity
Stir well.
Once, you’ve stirred well, add the 8 cups of hope.
Put in refrigerator for 10 minutes and allow it to cool.
When 10 minutes are up grab a friend, in my case my dog, and

Isabella is a senior this year. She is involved in many clubs such as FFA, Science Club, Impressions, Student Senate, as well as Class Office! Isabella...