The Farmer

The Farmer

Blue and red lights flashed throughout the small town of Bakersville. The whole town had descended into chaos after the news report had gone out that night. 12 bodies were found in the farmer’s field on the outskirts of town. The dirt still looked freshly dug, and the bodies were mostly intact. The only weird part was that all of the victims were missing their eyes. The police were unsure as to why, but they planned on getting to the bottom of it. Due to all the evidence presented, the police automatically assumed it was the farmer. The farmer’s name was Mr. Brown, and he was the town comedian. He was the sweetest guy in town. He was a very old man, pushing 93, and his only source of entertainment came from the people who just so happened to be walking to the park near his farm. He would do magic tricks for the kids, and tell a joke to the people walking down the street to go out of town. He never caused any problems with anybody. No one could believe it when the reporters stated the bodies were found in his field. Everyone in town was questioned. Being such a small town, anyone could be a suspect. They all knew where the farmer’s field was and had access to the tools needed to kill the people and dispose of them. The weird part was, none of the victims were from this town. No one had left town recently or had gone missing. No one knew how these bodies got there, or who put them there. After hearing the town’s opinion of the farmer, the questioning started with the butcher. He was most likely to leave town since he had to get more meat for his shop. The police walked in and inspected the large selection of knives the butcher had hanging on the wall. This immediately put him high on the suspect list. They questioned him, and there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary about his life in the past week. He had a strong alibi, and he was cleared. Next was the group of delinquents who would loiter and drink all night.They always had some sort of weapons on them, and were almost always drunk. They questioned each one individually, and their stories seemed to add up. Plus, the people in town had seen them all night that week since they would usually graffiti or toilet paper someone’s house. With the two main suspects out of the way, the police decided to go question the farmer. They ruled him out due to the town’s given alibi, but it would still be a good idea to question him.

“Mr. Brown, you know there were 12 bodies found in your field this evening right?”

“Yes, you told me about it when you found them. Would you like some soup while you’re here? I just made a fresh pot.”

The officers looked at each other and laughed.

“Why not, what’s the harm?”

The farmer served up a fresh, hot bowl of soup for the two officers while the questioning continued.

“Now Mr. Brown, where have you gone this week?”

“Well, I stayed home this week sir. I don’t use those fields in the back where the bodies were found anymore, so I haven’t been back there in a very long time. I stick to the front fields to grow my crops and take care of my animals.”

“So you’re telling me you haven’t left your property at all this week?”

“That’s correct sir, yes.”

The questioning continued for about another half hour. Mr. Brown didn’t say anything out of the ordinary, so he was off the hook. The police continued on with their search for the suspect. As they pulled out of Mr. Brown’s driveway, he stood at the door and waved, smiling at them.

“What a nice man, I feel bad he’s getting roped into this because someone decided to use his fields as a graveyard.”

“Yeah, I hope this doesn’t put too much stress on the guy.”

Back at Mr. Brown’s house, he started to clean up the bowls left from the officers. He washed them and put them away, turning to stir his soup.


He chuckled, pulling an eye out of his soup.

“Glad they didn’t get that with their bowl.”