Alex Malanoski’s Highlight of 2014



My favorite memory from 2014 was making a music video with my friends.  It was one of the best memories in many years.

It all started with a sleepover at my church.  Walter, Kaylee, Rachel, Kimberly and Hannah were there  We had pizza and while we were eating, I came up with an idea: “Let’s make a music video!”  Kaylee has directed many Ipad music videos before so she was our director.  The remaining people (including me) were he actors.

We then needed to pick a song on the app called VideoStar.  We decided to choose the song “Radioactive,” which has a zombie theme.  One of the words in the song is apocalypse.  So when the video started, we “actors” appeared to be in a state of death.  Then we woke up from our slumber and became zombies.  Hannah was the only human alive.  The zombies kept roaming around and Hannah would always escape like Jerry from Tom and Jerry.  Then, the part of our music video came when Hannah would become RADIOACTIVE.  We zombies had cornered her–it seemed like she was done for, like a mouse nearly caught in a trap.  Hannah suddenly overpowered these zombies–Hannah became radioactive!  Kaylee changed the filter to a slow motion rainbow as Hannah held out her radioactive hands.  The zombies were all done for.  Hannah had become, I guess you could say, zombie-resistant.

That was actually one of the funniest memories of 2014.  We actors became overnight movie stars.