Happy New Year! What events were special to you in 2014?

Happy New Year!  What events were special to you in 2014?

7th grader Sierra Morris’s list:
*New cousins
*Traveling to the Cape with family
*Camping and sleeping in a tent outside for the first time
*Catching my first bass
*Traveling to Vermont and getting ice cream
*Teaching Connor how to fish
*Rollerskating with friends

7th grader Ken Hay’s List:
*Going on the Disney Cruise and using the awesome waterslide
*Winning the Pinewood Derby
*Meeting my dog Josie and horse Reggie for the first time
*Setting off fireworks on July 4th
*Getting an XBox 360 and Minecraft
*Sledding with a friend down our huge driveway
*Driving my dad’s tractor
*Taking down the huge tree in front of our house
*Helping my dad remodel the kitchen
*Seeing the Movie Guardians of the Galaxy
*Seeing my cousins during the summer
*Learning to juggle

More lists will be added! Post yours in the comment box!