Mr. Levin joins the ranks of NYS Master Teachers

Mr. Levin joins the ranks of NYS Master Teachers

How did you become a Master Teacher?
It was a long six month process. I went to an introductory information session. I wrote an application essay and transcripts. I had to take a content area specialty test. Then, once I got passed, I got selected for an interview. I went to an all day interview with a small group presentation, an individual interview, and yet another essay. Then, I was finally accepted.

Why did you apply?
I applied, because as part of the Master Teacher program you get a variety of opportunities to get different types of career development, and I felt it would help me stay on the forefront of technology and engineering in order to better teach my students.

What benefits are there to being a Master Teacher?
A variety of different professional development opportunities and workshops are available. A series of learning teams, called PLTs, are available, which allow me to collaborate with other teachers. There are 10-12 PLT’s in this area. The professional development is high quality.

As a Master Teacher what do you do differently?
I network with other teachers and Skype with them regularly. I get to meet different people throughout the state and share ideas on science education. I attend the meetings mentioned before, and have a better understanding in the classroom. I have a lot of new ideas and labs to do in a classroom setting.

What do you think makes a teacher a Master Teacher?
They are someone who is dedicated to their profession and is willing to continue to improve their teaching and accept new ideas so they can be at the top of their game with the most current up to date information and enjoys working with other professionals.

How long do you have to teach before you can become a Master Teacher?
Four years in STEM disciplines

What is your opinion on Common Core?
I think the concept and the material that is being taught is good and beneficial to the students.

What are some problems with Common Core?
The roll out of Common Core was not done in the most effective way.

Congratulations Mr. Levin!