Farm Club begins preparing for spring


GALWAY–Some came because they have fond memories of helping out when in 6th grade.  Some came because they have an interest in growing vegetables and maybe flowers. Some came because they have experiences with gardening.  Others came for the pizza from Mr. Healey’s “pizza plant”!

The Farm Club met this past Wednesday after school in the cafeteria.  Approximately 25 7th and 8th grade students were present.  Parent volunteer and coordinator Mrs. David had brought a lot of resources and “big idea” and “nitty-gritty” questions for the group to discuss.  After introductions, students considered topics such as how to use the greenhouses for crops all year and how to get younger kids to participate, helping to sustain and grow the program.  “Don’t fight forces–use them” was an appropriate quote one group discovered that applied to considering the use of worms for composting and biodiversity in general.  Some groups discussed ways to discard cafeteria scraps in a more green conscious manner.  A 7th grade  student shared how she had seen a very thorough disposal system for recycling and composting in a McDonald’s.

The Farm Club will be meeting again soon to start the outside work.  Stay tuned to the announcements and come.  It is a way to help the school, learn about the environment and be part of a good thing.  Try it out.