Winter break in Italy vs. the US


I am not used to have a week of break throughout the year without any special reason like a day to celebrate or a national or religious fest. But I have to admit that having a week of vacation in the middle of winter is pretty amazing.

In this week I can just relax, go ice skating, go skiing and play all the winter sports without worrying about school or practice. In Italy the only time to do all these things is Christmas time because after that, the next vacation is Spring-Easter break in April.

The only days that we have off between January and April are two days for Carnival. Carnival in Italy is kind of like Halloween in the United States. Everyone dresses up with funny costumes and go out in the centre of the town to celebrate with their friends. In some cities, like Venice, Carnival is really famous and a lot of people go there instead of celebrate in their cities.

Of course to be a traditional Italian celebration we have special food in this time of the year, especially special desserts that I would love to have all year long.
For us would be impossible to have a week of vacation to enjoy winter in late February because all the snow would probably be already melt and because people looks forward to Easter and summer instead of looking back to winter.

I don’t know what is better between Winter break or Carnival, but I just think how amazing is that around the world we all have different traditions and different ways to celebrate them.

What did you do over break? Leave a comment below!