What’s cooking?

After school a couple weeks back, Mrs. Hanna let Hannah King and I raid the kitchen in the Home And Careers room and make an autumn treat–apple pie cookies!  Here’s the recipe!

• about 5 big apples
• 2 containers of pie crust
• 1 container of Caramel
• 1 egg
• 1/4 cup of sugar
• 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
• cinnamon

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Roll out pie crust and use a cookie cutter to cut circles.

3. Cut apples with an apple cutter and then cut each slice even thinner than the picture.

4. Put the circles on a pan, cover them with caramel and spread evenly.

5. Place the sliced apples on them.

6. Cut strips out of the second pie crust and then weave the strips on the cookies.

7. Mix egg, nutmeg,& sugar. Then put some on the strips of pie crust.

8. Then put cinnamon on top of the mixture.

9. Then put them in the oven for 20  minutes as you have delicious mini apple pie cookies.

10. Then eat it!?