Profile of the Day: Meet Julia Seeley

Profile of the Day: Meet Julia Seeley


By Sarah VanEpps, Grade 7

A softball player, earn money writing online bsketball player, and a soccer player, and so much more!  Seventh grader Julia Seeley leads a full life.  Even with school  and sports, she still has time for friends.

Julia says, “My typical weekday I go to school, hangout with my friends after school, and then most days I go to softball practice.”

Julia began playing softball when her dad was coaching the team and there weren’t enough girls playing, so she joined:  “Then I fell in love with the game.”

When outside, but not playing ball, you can find her riding her bike.  “I like to ride my bike with my best friend Jessica. (I have more than one best friend.)  She lives up the road from me.  When we ride we ride on the road.  Sometimes when I go to my friend Sarah’s house we ride in the woods.”

Whether she’s on the court, the field, or the computer, Julia always has time for fun.