Hannah’s butterfly


I started this painting in an online class meeting with Mrs. Gerber. In the Google Meet we just relax or work on things that we need to catch up on. Sometimes we end up just chatting.

I decided to start painting in the middle of the Meet, but I couldn’t decide what to paint. I asked around and Mrs. Gerber suggested that I should paint a butterfly.  But then I had to think about what butterfly I was going to paint. Mrs. Gerber said, ‘All I can think of right now are monarch butterflies.’ So then that idea was stuck in my head, so I decided to put it on a canvas.

I finished the outline of the butterfly on the Meet, and that night I put in the movie “Ghostbusters” for no reason whatsoever and finished the butterfly. Then I got thinking about a background I could do. At first I thought of a sky, but then I thought that it was pretty basic so I ended up doing flowers.

Once again I put on a movie, this time it was “Grown-Ups.” I worked all night and finished it and then I gave it to my mom for Mother’s Day. I have decided on doing another painting and the outline is finished, but it is a cartoon rather than realistic painting. The thing/person I am painting is Bender the Robot, from the TV show “Futurama.” Well anyway have a good day. Bye.