Senior spotlight
Can you guess which senior this is that plays a spring sport?
1~Her favorite sport to watch is football.
2~She started playing this sport in her junior year.
3~Her favorite saying is “Greepers.”
4~Her favorite sport drink is blue Gatorade.
5~She also plays volleyball.
6~She is going attend Keuka College to play volleyball.
8~She is a a left handed batter
9~She plays 2nd base and right fielder.
10~Her number is 2.
It’s Jayden DeVelllis! She would like to thank all her coaches she has had in the past till now!

Kristina B. is 13 years old. She is in accelerated math, emc and student senate. Kristina does travel basketball,softball and volleyball. She plays volleyball,...

Emma M. is 13 years old. Her favorite food is a hot turkey sandwich. She is on the modified volleyball team, travel volleyball, modified basketball, travel...