I believe that your sports team is your family


Jayden Devellis

I believe that your sports team is your family. When you’re on a team you become extremely close with them, seeing them every day, going on trips always with them, sharing hotels with them. It’s easy to wish away your season but when it’s over you truly see how much you were taking for granted every day. You see the conversations you had every day continue to grow outside of the sports but without the amazing memories from the court, them being there for you when you’re going through something tough, never doubting you and always pushing you to reach the best you can do. Not everything in life goes as planned but sometimes it’s a shared experience that you all together can get through which is one of the greatest experiences you can have in life. 

From my experience my team was the closest thing I’ve had. Every day we would be there in the gym working to be better. We would push each other to make eachother better. Everyone had their off days but that is what brought our team even closer. Volleyball is a game of who can make the least mistakes so of course there were rough days. There were games where all we had done was get yelled at or put up against each other even though we were winning but no one took it out on eachother . We were able to understand that’s how we were being coached and that if we all weren’t there for eachother we would fall apart. We had a lot on the line every time we played and we all knew that and we all fought for it. Making it to states was the goal from the beginning and we had made it there. We played the final four tournament and went into our last game of the day knowing we had to win to make it to the next day. But before we had played we relaxed and blared the speaker to whatever was on dancing and making the time we had to wait before the game the most it could be. We knew if we walked in as a family not blaming each other for the loss we had earlier we held a fighting chance of making it. After that game when we had won the feeling was amazing. We all were there piled on the court not caring about any of the drama that was going on outside of the fact of what was going on. The next day we put up a fight but fell short losing 3-1 and ending our season. This is truly when I learned just how important my team was and how close of a family we were. No one pointed fingers there was no fighting. We all knew that we had done it as a team. Sitting in the locker room crying holding each other will forever be a memory I will never be able to forget.