
I can feel it coming!
I know that if I just sit here and stare at the paper
An idea will come and it will be fantastic!
If I just wait…
Nothing is coming
Oh no
What if my brain is broken?
Maybe that is why nothing comes out
Instead of being a nice pink jello
It’s a melted jam that has leaked out my ear
Maybe if I do a jig, an idea will dance its way into me
┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・) ┓
♪(┌・。・) ┌
Is it working?
Do I have an idea?
My feet hurt though
Darn it, I need an idea
Or else I won’t write an emc article
And then my English grade won’t go up
And then I’ll be sad
What if I asked people around me for ideas?
I might as well…
- Ummm…. I’m trying to think…. Good study techniques
- How awesome Eben Perkins is (so lies)
- Bike team or wait no sports and slopes
- Jared’s ski team
- Forgotten sports
- Traps
…. Thank you Eben and Kendra
I need an idea
Just a small one that can blossom
Or… I could just curl up into a ball and cry
That would be fun
But I can’t cry on demand
I should study for chem
I’m gonna go study for chem

Brooke is here. Brooke is in the grade below the seniors but above the sophomores. Brooke likes the tacos and the meatloaf of food. Brooke does the Board...