Author Kate DiCamillo in Saratoga


The well known author Kate DiCamillo recently visited the Saratoga City Center to discuss her new book,  Beverly, Right Here. The book features Beverly Tapinski, Raymie Clarke and Louisiana Elefante,  the new  characters introduced in the other two books in her recent trilogy. Her presentation expressed two ideas that are very important. The three characters all are very significant to Kate DiCamillo.  One character represents who she is, one who she wanted to be, and the other was who she could have been had her life been a little more dire. The books reveal that who she was is just as good as who she wanted to be. The other main idea of her presentation was the reason that fairy tales include dragons. In her opinion, the point of fairy tales is not to prove that dragons exist, but that they can be defeated.  She  hopes that her books will have similar effects, showing her readers that although problems exist, hard work and perseverance will eventually overcome any problem. Although her books tend to be geared to a younger audience, they still discuss difficult topics that can apply to  any age group. This is what makes Kate DiCamillo such a profound author: her work is versatile and can apply to anyone′s life. It was an exciting experience to have the opportunity to meet one of my favorite authors.