This Week in Galway: PDA Police

This Week in Galway: PDA Police

Sam Grant and Josh Rumsey

Topic: PDA Police, featuring Chief Jon Fajans

I’m sure we’ve all seen couples in the hallway. You might see them hugging, holding hands, maybe even kissing. While we may or may not want to see this, there’s definitely one person who cannot stand it at all. This person is Jon Fajans. Jon is a junior here at Galway High School. He often jokes around with couples, screaming “No PDA!!!”. He yells it so loudly that I bet you could probably hear it from a different room. His loathing of this has grown throughout the years. Over time, he eventually started to call himself the PDA Police, for he hates to see any public display of affection going on at all means. We asked a few questions about this to get a insight on how he feels:

  1. How do you feel when you see PDA at school?

First of all, thanks for having me. Now to answer your question. When I see any public display of affection, it sickens me to my very core. I find it disturbing to see any type of affection in a school building. These kids should be worried about learning and their studies, not doing dental work on each other. Slight touching is not as bad, but it still should not happen. Do whatever in your private life, but in public, be considerate.  

    2.) How do you think you can stop this?

I alone cannot stop this phenomenon. The teachers, principal, superintendent, Board members, and other students must help. There must be rules. We shouldn’t use more cameras. There may have to be punishments. More homework, extra projects, anything to discourage them from this behavior. I say all good things must wait. This should teach them that value. They will learn that instead of sucking face in school and distracting others, they can wait until afterwards, and there won’t be school distracting them, or the antithesis.     

    3.)  Are you worried others will get mad at you for calling them out on this?

I am not worried. I know it will happen. I know they will be mad. But I hope it will help them become better people. How would an employer feel if they saw two workers making out with each other? I feel the same way. If others join to stop this, school might be a more productive place. Students will learn rules and lessons for life. Galway will be a better place.  


Well there you have it. We learned that Jon truly wants this to stop, for the benefit of all of us. So next time you witness any PDA, find your inner Chief Jon Fajans and try to make this stop. Just remember to be nice about it.  You too can make Galway “a better place”.