Cock ‘n Bull Rock Legends: Scott Sharrard and Company Come to Galway

What’s better than scrumptious food? Scrumptious food with amazing music! The Cock ‘n Bull Restaurant is located right across the road and it’d be a shame to let such good things go untasted and unheard, so get on the phone with them the next time they have live music and save yourself and some friends a table. They’re gone fast, and with good reason . . . You certainly won’t regret making reservations the minute you walk into this barn-turned-restaurant, which has managed to maintain its cozy, rural setting, reminiscent of a dry hayloft during a rainy afternoon, as well as produce countless delicious aromas.
This past Friday, we were lucky enough to hear Scott Sharrard and fellow musicians Diego Voglino (bass) and Moses Patrou (percussion/vocals) peel off some unbelievable guitar riffs and wild drum solos, accompanied as always by their soulful and poetic lyrics. It just made you want to dance and shout “Oww!” every couple of measures, and, in fact, most folks grew more comfortable as the band played and did just that. A dancing group was started in one corner, with a few other individuals rocking out at their tables. The tables and surrounding area were all packed with heads bopping to the beat and laughing to one another. Cock ‘n Bull owner Rick Sleeper played his part by flickering the lights to the frequent and crazy drum solos that occurred right before a song ended. One of our favorites was “Love Like Kerosene,” a really upbeat tune about a dangerous but thrilling love, a “devilish fever dream.”
The band thought they were finished at around 11:00, but the audience wouldn’t let them get away that quickly. There was a standing ovation, during which the standing and clapping turned to stomping and shouting, and the band was forced to clamber back on stage and play “just one more song.”
They drove back to Manhattan that night. Their audience had a much shorter drive back home, but it was one made longer knowing that they wouldn’t be able to see Scott Sharrard and the boys play again tomorrow.
Rock out!
Click on Rock Out to view some video of the performance.

Natalie Zembsch is a senior and has been a part of EMC/GTV since her sophomore year. She contributes to the website with "Humans of Galway" and articles...

Siela is an EMC journalist, GTV anchor, and co-art-editor for Impressions magazine. She is a senior here at Galway and plans to attend college next year...