How to somewhat “legally” be a Musical Chair Overlord

GALWAY–In order to be an expert at musical chairs, like myself, you need to know a couple uncomplicated and essential guidelines, so you can ascend into legend as a musical chair champion.

First off, if you’re not having fun you aren’t doing it right. Plain and simple. The pure joy, and laughter created by you displaying your magnificent skills is necessary. It is the fuel which allows you to exert your supreme awesomeness. Smile, laugh and have good ol’ time, that is all musical chairs is about.

You don’t necessarily need to be an amazingly beautiful, charismatic, senior with a rockin’ bod, like myself, although it definitely helps.  It distracts all the viewers so you can bend the rules just a wee-bit, while their eyes are glued on you. So if you might accidentally boot another kid half-away across gymnasium, or decide to sit down every other seat. It doesn’t matter since they are too busy checking you out.

Balance is key. Using a chair to keep you balanced, just so you don’t “accidentally” fall over is definitely a must. Another thing is: musical chairs is tough work. So if you find it necessary to sit down, and take a break during the music, feel free. Enjoy the sights. Look around. Smile and wave. Maybe even take a nap if it suits your fancy.

Use my wise and completely legal advice, to one day rise to legendary status: Supreme Overlord of Musical Chairs like myself.