Remembering September 11th


Awilda Vega, thirty-three years old, was working at the Northern Westchester Hospital in Mt. Kisco, when her boss Dr. Zafar went to her, grabbed her arm very firmly and said, “Awilda come with me.” She thought they were going to a patient’s room to deliver bad news, but when she grabbed her she started dragging her to a conference room.

In the conference room there was a huge projection screen. She noticed some of her employees were crying. She looked up to the screen. She thought they were watching a movie or a documentary until she noticed it was a live news channel. She started looking around in disbelief. She finally realized what was going on. She realized it was real.

Her first thought was about her kids: her only son Christopher Roman age 12 and her only daughter Siramar Roman, 4.

“Can I go home, can I go home and get my kids from school?” Her boss said, “Okay.”

She picked up her daughter at kindergarten, then she went to go get her son. However they had already released the middle schoolers, so she raced home to be with her kids.

When she got home safely with both her children, she turned on the news and sent them to their rooms;  she didn’t want them to watch it. Everything at that point had calmed down and she felt safe being at home with her kids.

I think 9/11 has changed the world we live in today because now some people tend to stereotype all Muslims in a bad way. We have changed a lot in our society to better ourselves and help prevent another attack from occurring. America has changed as a result of the events of 9/11 because now we have a lot more restrictions on airplanes and security. Law enforcement and homeland security has most definitely evolved and improved drastically since 9/11. Security is a lot stricter and a lot more houses have security cameras and there are a lot more police officers in each town or city. People were very scared when 9/11 happened, but over the past years, it has settled down. 9/11 has changed the world as we know it and time has helped people deal with it. The effects and losses we have endured of the result of 9/11 will never change. We can still push forth and make our country better.