Interview by Nate Galloway, Grade 8
1) How has this affected your high school career?
Rob: It’s really opened my eyes to the stress teachers are under, but it’s weird being on the other side of the teacher\student dynamic. It is definitely a different perspective.
2) Will this help you with anything for college?
Rob: I’m not sure yet. This counts for a college credit, but I’m really exploring my opportunities.
3) Do you have any advice for people trying student teaching out?
Rob: Yes, choose a course you enjoy. For example, if you selected math for your course, but you hated math and are awful at mathematics, you would just have a horrible time. I enjoy Social Studies and that’s why I chose Mrs. V. I enjoy all my time with Mrs. V.
4) How did the students treat you?
Rob: Well, you’re in the class, what do you think?
Nate: Well I think that when it was your turn to start teaching, the students started treating you with respect.
Rob: Yes, some of the kids knew me through extra curricular activities and thought they could get away with more. But once they realized that I am staying for the whole year, they understood that they can’t.
5) Have you ever done something like this before?
Nothing quite at this level. I’ve helped teachers around the classroom with little tasks but it was nothing like this
6) Does this experience make you interested in a teaching career?
Definitely, dealing with the kids and such, has made me very interested in being a teacher.
Nate: Thanks for your time.
Rob: No problem.